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What is Good Business?

Posted December 30th, 2011 in Blog by Lindsey Shue

10 Mistakes Freelance Graphic Designers Make When Starting


Making a living as a graphic designer can be a fully rewarding career for certain creative people. Just like any career though, there are problems that can be prevented for freelance graphic designers before-hand. This article is intended to give you a heads up on certain things that can make your job easier and more profitable. Here are 10 mistakes to avoid when starting out:

1. Poor Communication

Not staying in constant touch with the client is the number one mistake most graphic designers make when first starting out. Your client should be able to get in touch with you at all times; this means by e-mail, phone, pager…whatever.

2. Using Too Many Different Fonts

The old saying “KISS – Keep it simple stupid” applies to this mistake that is often made when first starting out. Using too many fonts will give your design not only an amateur’s appearance, but a much cluttered piece of work…



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